Sunday 7 July 2013

Education and Instructional Technology Tweet Wrap for the Week of 06-14-13

(Originally posted on Twitter by @EmergingEdTech over this past week … collected here to share with our blog readers).

Virtual and Physical Learning Spaces Combined in Online International Collaboration:

Virtual Universities Abroad Say They Already Deliver ‘Massive’ Courses:

65+ Ways to Use ThingLink In Your Classroom:

Empowering Learning with Video (video taped webinar from eSchoolNews):

MOOC-Skeptical Provosts in high-level talks to create an online education network:

Tablets thrust Thai classrooms into digital era:

Technology brings postgrads in from the cold:

U of Minn engineers have developed tech that that lets people fly robots w/their minds (omg!):
(Not really ‘ed tech’ per se, but too wild not to share!)

Create Multimedia Presentations & Quizzes in Edmodo:

Inside Instructional Tech (findings from disseration on instr. tech @ small liberal arts colleges):

Education technology trends and the role of the school librarian:

Revamping school projects to engage students, demonstrate learning, & push 21st century skills:

Related Posts (if the above topic is of interest, you might want to check these out):
The Evolving use of Badges in Education
CA Bill Mandates Credit for Online MOOC-style Courses to Fill Gaps in Availability
Salman Khan’s Inspiring One World Schoolhouse

Kelly Walsh is CIO at The College of Westchester in White Plains, NY and is the founder and author of As an education technology advocate, he frequently delivers presentations on a variety of related topics at schools and conferences across the U.S. Walsh is also an author and online educator, who runs regular Flipped Class Workshops online. His latest eBook, "iPads in Education: Implementations, Apps, & Insights" is available for sale in the iBookstore. In his spare time, he records and performs original and cover songs (look for "K. Walsh" on iTunes or or check out his original song videos on here on YouTube ).

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