Sunday 7 July 2013

Announcing the Summer 2013 Flipped Classroom Online Workshop from EmergingEdTech – Register Today

flipped classroom summer 2013 online workshop

Read about other teacher’s uses of the flipped classroom – learn what works, what doesn’t, best practices, and lessons learned from some of today’s leading flipped instruction teacher-advocates, and from other teachers much like yourselfGet hands-on and flip some of your own contentTry out some free screencasting tools, and learn techniques for creating high quality, engaging screencastsLearn about other approaches to creating and delivering flipped class contentUnderstand the considerations you need to be aware of when you flip the classroom, including how to use class time, and techniques to help ensure that students consume the flipped materialsDevelop your plan to incorporate flipped instruction techniques into your teachingShare your ideas and insights, interact with other educators, and learn from each otherDiscover resources available to continue learning about the flip

The workshop will be 4 weeks long, running from July 8 through August 5. An extra week or two will be provided following the completion of the formal 4 week course, so everyone has time to complete the work (since many people take some vacation during this stretch of time).

Each week will start with a video and reading assignments, followed by specific exercises to undertake and write about. There will be required participation in discussion forums, where you will share your learning experience, ask questions, and interact with fellow workshop participants.

We will also hold a couple optional synchronous video meetings online (one at the start of the course and one at the end) to allow participants to talk with each other and discuss questions.

All participants will receive a free copy of the new “Flipped Classroom Workshop-in-a-Book” eBook (we’ll be using excerpts from the book throughout the workshop)!

The cost for the workshop is $100. Everyone who completes their assignments and participates in the discussions will be provided a Certificate of Completion upon completion of the workshop.

Within 24 hours of paying, you will receive an email welcoming you to the workshop.

IF YOU HAVE ANY TROUBLE PAYING (sometimes the PayPal link seems to behave inconsistently), just drop me a line via the Contact Form and I’ll send an invoice, which should make it easy to pay. Thanks!

- “My head is spinning with all of the great ideas that I gained from this workshop — and especially from our discussions. I am going to try to get on the agenda for an upcoming all-school meeting to share some of the ideas from this workshop. I am even leaning toward flipping my “new prep” classes if I can feel comfortable with staying ahead of the students in content creation. Our classes are structured to be two hours of lecture and two hours of lab per week. That translates into an hour of lecture followed by an hour of lab two days a week. By flipping my classes, I feel that the students who now struggle with homework will excel due to the reality that the homework they are assigned is laying the groundwork for what they do in class. Now, I’m just looking for a sure way to get and keep them motivated to access the flipped content for their homework. But, I think that problem might just take care of itself — we’ll see!”

- “I definitely look forward to experimenting with the flipped classroom. I’ve been working on screencasts using iPad apps such as educreations and explain everything. I think they are easy tools to use and interested in seeing how the students take to it. I’m also looking Into experimenting with TedEd also. Having an archive of lessons will prove beneficial. Students will be able to access lessons for review and if they want to go ahead. All in all, I envision this will free up more time for students to practice what they are learning. Whether its playing review games, answering practice problems, or even making their own screencasts, I think the learning process will be a positive one for the students.”

- “I am revved up to create more of my own original videos, but also think I will depend on other videos. Our fourth graders don’t have much homework, but I look forward to trying to incorporate this into science and math. At this point, I think I’d like to try creating new ones for math, and use the Dr. Edventure, BrainPop, Bill Nye, the Science Guy, and others for Science. I also have a class website, so have to figure out how to use this and balance it with the new skills I will be learning with wikis and google websites. Our district will be assigning google emails this fall to every elementary student, so while I have a general knowledge of google, it will be fun to explore these concepts and how they can all fit together.”

- “My original idea for the flipped classroom was to use the flipped classroom as a way to have students watch classroom material at home, freeing up class time for more meaningful instruction. I continue to believe that this will be my plan; however, I also plan to create learning stations in my classroom which utilizes the videos that I make. Students will have the opportunity to rotate into a learning station which requires them to view a flipped classroom video in order to receive a portion of our daily instruction. While one group is completing this portion of the lesson, other groups will be composing their response to literature that we are reading while another group will be conferencing with me regarding what they are reading and writing in class.

- “In addition, I see a great value in developing these flipped videos as a great source of tutorial material for students. I want to be able to reference these videos so that students can constantly revisit any of them that they feel will help them become more successful in my classroom. For this reason, the content of the flipped videos will most likely focus on mini skills that students need in order to be successful in an English language arts classroom. I have already started building these lessons to include such topics as: the importance of setting, types of conflict found in literature, types of characters found in literature, the importance of developing a character for a reader, the use of symbolism in a work of fiction, etc.”

- “I am excited about the lessons that I will be creating this year, and I look forward to continuing to grow as an educator in my craft as a teacher. Thanks for everyone’s expertise in this workshop. I have learned a great deal from the responses that I have read by each of you.”

Kelly Walsh is CIO at The College of Westchester in White Plains, NY and is the founder and author of As an education technology advocate, he frequently delivers presentations on a variety of related topics at schools and conferences across the U.S. Walsh is also an author and online educator, who runs regular Flipped Class Workshops online. His latest eBook, "iPads in Education: Implementations, Apps, & Insights" is available for sale in the iBookstore. In his spare time, he records and performs original and cover songs (look for "K. Walsh" on iTunes or or check out his original song videos on here on YouTube ).

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